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Visionary research in mathematics and its applications

The Grothendieck Institute aims to

  • foster the development of mathematics in a unifying and interdisciplinary way, with particular reference to the theory of Grothendieck toposes
  • experiment new forms of synergies between the sciences and develop theoretical tools aimed at ‘delocalising’ them through a comprehensive, global meta-mathematical vision
  • train a new generation of researchers by offering, also in cooperation with selected universities, doctoral scholarships and research grants
  • foster international scientific cooperation by supporting
    collaborations and organizing conferences, seminars, intensive research periods and scientific visits
  • disseminate scientific culture at all levels by organizing courses,
    schools and events for the general public
  • perform and support historical and philosophical studies aimed at popularising
    the work of Alexander Grothendieck
  • stimulate the integration of fundamental research and technological innovation
  • promote ethics in scientific research.

The Institute pursues its objectives primarily through its research centres, which are devoted to the development of specific themes of particular importance. 

It also collaborates through partnerships and agreements with academic institutions and scientific associations that share its interests.